The new cycle has begun. I'll be making some slight changes to the template, but following the integrity of the program. And, Wendler gave it a "YES!" when I ran it by him. I'm so smart.
- SSB Box Squat Warm-up: 3x5
- Ab Rollouts: 3x10
- SSB Box Squat: 235x5/275x5/315x5
- SB Sit-ups: 3x15
- SSB Squat FSL: 3x5@235
- Upright Rows: 50 reps
- FBB Press Warm-up: 2x5
- Wide Pull-ups: 2x5 w/pause
- FBB Press: 105x5/125x5/145x5
- Medium Pull-ups: 2x5 w/pause
- FBB Press FSL: 3x5@105
- Neutral Pull-ups/Chin-ups/Odd Grip Pull-ups: 6x5 w/pause
- Neck Harness: 50 reps
- Push-ups: 2x10 w/pause
- DB Row: 2x10 w/pause
I'll do more Push-ups and Rows as I get into this. I didn't put the clock on this one. Just wanted to get a lift in and get back on the horse.
This is enough of a change to keep me excited about training. Plus, I really like getting two main movements done in the same lift.
I kept all of my numbers the same. No need to change my training max with the results I had last week. I'll just keep riding the lightning.
I'll do some conditioning tomorrow and Wednesday because I'll get my Deadlift/Bench workout in up at Wendler's on Thursday. Probably get another one in on Saturday. We'll see how it all plays out.
As I sit here typing this I'm sitting on an ice cold glass (shaker bottle) of chocolate milk. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better thaqn a post-workout shake. If I had sugar cookies it might be perfect.
I'm off to enjoy the rest of this glorious day.