I have to admit that I never intended for the Home GHR to be used for anything other than glute ham raises. My thought was that the size would be easier to move and store and glute ham raises could be performed by people who either had a fear of falling off of a full sized GHR, or who needed the assistance of a push up. The Home GHR also allows for progression using less and less push up assistance while the user’s glutes and hamstrings become stronger until they’re strong enough to perform glute ham raises without assistance.
Then I saw some videos of people performing Sissy Squats on a Sissy Squat machine and realized that the design of the Home GHR was very similar to this. As a disclaimer I have to say that it’s still not intended for this, so you have to make sure to counterbalance it with enough weight on the front to keep it from moving and you should put enough weight on the weight holder on the back to prevent anything bad from happening.
Here’s how my progression is going. I started by holding a light band to provide some assistance and balance, then went without it, now this time I held a 25 lb Kettle Bell.
This did a great job of firing up my quads, so now you can get a full leg workout with the Home GHR!
Order your own Effective and Versatile Compact Home GHR here on Elitefts today!