It is that time.
Time to finally leave the cold and snow of the beautiful Rocky Mountains and head southeast to southern Florida. After spending almost 21 years in Colorado, we heading for the next chapter in our lives.
I have been spoiled in Colorado because we have some of the best gyms, anywhere. I have been scouting out the best gyms in the Fort Lauderdale area and when I ask for the equivalent of an Armbrust Pro Gym, a few of them laughed and responded, "Armbrust is Armbrust; we don't have that here." Still, I have a couple pretty badass places to choose from including one that has an outside gym area overlooking the ocean. Yeah, I can deal with that.
I had no idea that so many acquaintances lived in southern Florida until I was inundated with messages about how much we will love it down there. I can hardly wait to find a gym that is only 5 or 10 minutes away from where we live instead of almost an hour. Apparently, there is a grocery store right across the street, and shops and restaurants within walking distance. This is likely going to be the biggest culture shock we have experienced in a long time.
The amount of time we will save each day will be approximately 2.5 hours. Yes, 2.5 hours each day for commuting. My wife commutes now roughly 1-1.25 hours one way to work and then meets me at the gym after work. I drive almost an hour one way to meet her at the gym. The closest grocery store is 45 minutes away and there isn't a dentist, doctor or restaurant within 45 minutes, either, unless you count the casino restaurants that are overrun with tourists. No thanks. 2.5 hours x 5 days is over 12 hours we will save in a week and that is not including going out on the weekends, running kids to sports, etc.. This might be a bigger bonus than the change in weather.
Ah, the weather and terrain. *sigh*
Yes, we trade the beautiful mountain scenery and incredible motorcycle riding for views of the ocean and, well, not so stellar motorcycle riding. However, we will be able to ride all year round vs. only about 5 or maybe 6 months. I'll take it.
And the cost of living is considerably less when it comes to real estate. The Colorado market is out of control and we could get the same house in Florida for roughly 60% of the price we pay here. Add to that there is no state income tax and we are ready to roll out Saturday morning.
We will miss Colorado but we have a lot of ties here so we will likely visit quite a bit. Down the road it would be great to have a house here and a house in Florida, but ... time will tell.
I still plan to compete in 2018 after the horrendous year I had in 2017. It will be kind of cool to do that in Florida for the first time and compete against a lot of people that I have met through the industry online. I am not committing to competing right now as I type this but it looks that it is more likely than not. I just have to get settled in and see how things roll for a couple of months and then make that decision.
If anyone has any feedback on great gyms in the Fort Lauderdale area, please let me know. I have narrowed my choices down to Titan Gym and/or University Gym. Now, pardon me while I lather up with suntan oil so that I am ready when I get there.