Solid week, this week.
Started last weekend with a full 2 day load and using the SCGS Compound and was full as hell come Tuesday for the start of my training week. I ended up loading Sunday and Monday due to wanting to enjoy the Holiday with my family. Ridiculously full and strength was at an all time high over the course of the last year or so. I don't train terribly heavy but the weight just felt significantly lighter.
My gym sucks since the renovations and after training there consistently for about 8 years or so, I am looking for a new gym. The atmosphere is terrible, the new equipment is shitty and I just need a change of venue. I probably wouldn't have noticed it as much if they hadn't told me I couldn't film in there for the DVD due to some rule about ... not filming. What does a gym have to lose in making such a stupid rule??
I didn't have to deal with any of this 6 years ago with the Longevity DVD. Times certainly are different.
So, I drove almost 2 hours to my buddy's gym in Ft Collins that is badass - Iron Prodigy Gym. I hadn't been there before but just fell in love with it the second I walked in. It is a dungeon and he must have picked each machine out himself because nothing matches and yet every piece is awesome. The lighting is dim and the ceilings are low and it looks like a gym out of 1991. You just don't find gyms like this anymore.
We got some test footage to test the lighting and the quality of this DVD is going to blow away the last one. Even the test footage was incredible and I was shocked at how clear it was.
Hit legs there and used some old school pieces like a donkey calf machine, true squat, etc..
I am pleased with my current condition as I am pretty damn full and moderately lean. I could be leaner but I also wanted to get fuller and put some muscle back on and I have done that. I think the only real downfall is I am holding a lot of water from the MK677 and I seem to be more bloated in the midsection and I HATE that. I have to wonder if it is the MK or not and will find out in about a week because I will cut the MK about 5 days prior to starting the filming so that I am not holding as much water.
The schedule for the filming looks to be load for 2 days on Saturday and Sunday, be off Monday to drop some water from the load and then hit chest and back Tuesday, Delts and arms Wednesday and Legs on Thursday or even Friday depending on how I feel.
Hope you all have a great weekend!