I somehow dropped 6 pounds last week. The only explanation I have is that I was holding more water than I thought but that makes little sense because I should be holding more water NOW, with it being 2 weeks into this blast.
My recovery is so fast right now that I swear I could train the same muscle groups only 2 or 3 days later. So, I'm gonna. Usually, I would say it's too early to start making changes but I'm going to, anyway. I am recovering so quickly that I feel if I were NOT to make a change, it would be illogical. Here is what I came up with for my rotation:
back/bis/rear delts
back/bis/rear delts
back/bis/rear delts
repeat the cycle over
Basically, I train back and bis twice one week and once the next, while training chest/delts/tris twice per week and once the next, rotating.
I am STARVING like I'm dieting for a show and it's only fucking Wednesday after Skiploading on Sunday. My diet hasn't changed, AT ALL, and yet I'm starving my ass off over here. Obviously, this is a good sign and indicative that I will be able to push calories up very soon. Still, it is also reminding me of how laborious these meals are going to get, very early on in this current blast, too.
My weight ended at 230 last week so I am really hoping that it doesn't drop anymore and would actually be BETTER if it started going up. I will wait to see what my weight does this week and see if I will need a diet adjustment this week or hold off. If my strength continues to climb as it is right now, I may hold off for another week or two, assuming the scale-weight drop and the increase in strength simply means that I am recomping.
I had very little appetite this last Sunday for the Skipload so my meals were minimal and certainly nothing on par with what I normally eat on a regular Skipload day. This may be playing into my hunger this week and quite possibly the fact that my weight isn't up very much, yet. I do have to remind myself, though, that it has only been 2 weeks, so far. I haven't even found a rhythm, yet.
In short:
scale weight down
strength up
swelling up
Otherwise, I have no complaints right now.