So I have made a rough plan (in my my mind, not on paper) of my new programming. This Week was Week 1 of putting the plan into action. So far I had achieved a Strongman Day, a Powerlifting Day, and all I needed now was a Weightlifting Day. I failed, greatly!
My body was beat up and after a few sets I could not tell if my elbows and biceps were numb or throbbing in pain but I could tell that there was some type of sensation going through my body that I did not need to be a part of. Back to the drawing board for me (this time ON PAPER).
Power Snatch (first time in a year)
75 x a few
85 x 1
95 x 1
100 x 1
105 x 1
110 x 1 (1 red in local comp, 3 reds at a major comp)
Clean and Jerk
struggled to clean the empty bar, too much pain and swelling
Snatch Deads
warmed up but my lats were cramping BAD
Clean Dead
So I stretched, did some light accessory work, and then drove home very pissed off with myself. I spent all day Saturday getting my new plan ON PAPER!