I'm making some bad luck for myself. On Friday I showed off my Division 1 (2 sports, by the way) athleticism. It was snowing. It was late in the 4am hour. It was cold. The lights on the field were on. It was actually, beautiful. As I sauntered from my truck to the weight room I was enjoying the quiet, the snow and I was thinking. I had about 10 minutes to make the call whether we would go inside or run outside. Inside is just awful. We avoid it at all costs. In 4 years we've gone inside 4 times out of necessity. Mother Nature was cooperating with us. It wasn't too cold and the wind chill wasn't bad, at all.
As I was pondering this information and taking in the glorious snow I was flat on the ground. Spilled my coffee. The positive about this is that my BAD shoulder broke my fall. I laid on the ground, in the snow for about 15-20 seconds and took inventory. My shoulder felt bad. As I surveyed the situation I realized that I hadn't slung my backpack on both shoulders. I was holding it with my left hand/arm. During my fall I did not lose grip of my bag - no fumble. In hindsight, this was probably better because had my hand been free I would have undoubtedly used it to break my fall, potentially causing more injury than I sustained just landing on it.
I didn't bother dusting the snow off and I walked into the weight room.
We hammered through morning conditioning and headed back in the weight room. I received great news at this point. Come to find out, my assistant (who works with Men's Basketball, so he's not with us for football) fell in the exact same spot about an hour later while we were running football. This raised my spirits.
Saturday Training: Squat (I may have already posted this, but I'm not going back to check)
- SSB Box Squat: 235x5/FSL: 5x10@205
- DB Curls: 5x10
I was busy Monday and Tuesday I just wasn't going to train.
Wednesday Training: Deadlift
- Trap Bar: 285x5/FSL: 5x10@225
- KB Row: 8x10 w/70
The Deadlift bothered me a bit, but nothing bad. The Rows started to bother me. I kept feeling popping in my biceps tendon. I felt really good after. At the end of lift I showed a few of our DE's a pass rush drill we used to do. I lifted my left arm/shoulder and pointed and "POP!" Holy hell! In true Rhodes fashion I over-reacted and really got melodramatic. I finished explaining the drill, calmly, I might add and headed to the training room.
First thought, I ruptured my proximal biceps tendon(s). Second thought, I somehow created so much force pointing that I separated my shoulder (no freakin' way that could happen).
Trainers checked and the tendons were all in place. Most likely scenario is that the biceps tendon slipped out and back into the groove. Good times.
I really need to get an MRI on this thing and see if surgery is necessary.