I've had a few people ask me to publish Week 12 of The Nemesis Program 1. I stopped completely when I was contacted by several people who were paying their current coach BIG BUCKS and realized that they were getting a copy/paste of The Nemesis Program as I published it week by week. Now, I do understand that I publish this for FREE and it is meant to be used and that means it can be used FOR PROFIT by others...but it doesn't mean I HAVE TO publish it every week like clock work. 🙂
I was contacted by more people that I had imagined who got to Week 11 and needed their Week 12 so I sent it to them privately. For you guys, I am extremely grateful! Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside! After being contacted three times this week, I'm sitting down to try and get this out to each and every one of you.
For starters, it is very common that a client will finish Week 11 and they will determine a few things:
1) Their technique is a hair off from doing all the rep work recently and not enough HEAVY work.
2) They are strong enough to break a PR
3) They would really like an "in between week" where they could once again take something heavy but still not a PR
So I create a Week 11 B for them and a Week 12.
Let us start with Week 11 B.
Day 1:
Bench Press:
Work up to your choice of:
85% x 2 singles
90-92.5% x 1-2 singles
2 Board Press: 100% x 1
1.5 Board Press: 95-105% x 1 (no misses at all!)
Here the volume isn't high and you get to feel some heavier weight again. If you feel like crap, take the 85% work and push the tricep work. If you feel good, take the 90-92.5% work and use the 2 Board Press to feel out what your full bench 1 Rep Max will be next week. Do not start taking super heavy weights on the 2 Board, this is not the point.
Day 2:
Box Squats:
Work up to 70% x 1 THEN
Add reverse light/mini bands and continue with doubles, NO MISSES!
Front Squats: doubles up to something fun and SAFE!
Lunges: 1 set of 10 each leg
Usually I'll have a client that needs the deload on this day because they need a break in their shoulders, biceps, elbows, etc...so reverse band work tends to solve this. The front squats will open up your hips a little and MIGHT even help your deadlift.
Day 3:
1-1.5 Board Press Press: 75% x 3 x 2 sets (based off of your full bench press 1RM)
Triceps: hard work
This is another volume bench day session because we all actually do know that you just can't go heavy all the time and make progress, you need the reps and the volume work! I don't care what you do for triceps, just do something hard!
Day 4:
Deadlifts: multiple singles with 75-80%
Work up to a heavier single or double (but not 85% or more)
This is a session where you can either pull a few aggressive sets with 75% or work up to what might be your last warm up in the warm up room before you take your opener. Spend the extra time on lat work, abs, hamstrings, and the buffet line!
* Every session should end with a set or two of Triceps, Lats, ABS, GHR, and Rotators MINIMUM!
* No maxes this week, you want to leave the gym recovered and HUNGRY for a trip to PR City in Week 8!
** Optional Day 3: After Bench, OHP: 5 sets of 2 with 80%
Now, on the other hand if you are already eating raw nails and spitting granite...move straight on to PR City Week 12!
Day 1:
Bench Press:
Work up to your choice of:
95% x 1 OR
Max Single
3 Board Press: 90% x 2 x 2
Add Sling Shot: Have Fun!
Hit what you need but I suggest that you take a solid 95% over a 100-105% miss! This is always true! Do the extra SlingShot work but don't forget that you have a bunch of other training sessions this week and you don't want or need to screw them up by a few extra sets of bench press work.
Day 2:
Box Squats:
Work up to 80% x 1 THEN
Either work up to a 1RM and/or
Add reverse light/mini bands and continue with singles, NO MISSES!
Lunges: 1 set of 10 each leg
Take something big that you will make but if you just feel beat up, understand that you can come back to this in a few more weeks of work and/or establish a new Reverse Band Box Squat 1RM!
Day 3:
2 Board Press Press: 80% x 2 x 3 sets (based off of your full bench press 1RM)
Triceps: hard work
Have fun here but do something that will help your bench and not get you beat up for a Deadlift PR in the next session.
Day 4:
Deadlifts: Work up to a 1RM
Hit the nose torque, turn up the ACDC, let our a Viking Warrior Scream!
* Every session should end with a set or two of Triceps, Lats, ABS, GHR, and Rotators MINIMUM!
** Optional Day 3: After Bency, OHP: 7 sets of 1 with 90%
And that is The Nemesis Program 1 (out of roughly 14 Nemesis Programs that I have developed). What is THE KEY to this entire program?
Knowing what parts of the program built for you? Was it the full 12 weeks or was it the last 6? The last 6 might be what you need. 2 Weeks of base building, 2 weeks of high volume, a deload and then a trip to PR City.
The only thing that really matters is The Key right there at the end. Knowing WHAT WORKED and what did not work for you, and either eliminating it or making sure that you keep doing it. Heck, that is about the key to everything in life.
I was browsing the internet to look at Elitfts gear and came across your articles. I read that you have privided your readers a 12 week program and I have read through some of the workout. Would it be too much to ask for an email from you detailing those workouts ? I'm currently training to go play rugby over seas but need to put on a lot more weight in strength. I'm 6'5 and weighing less than I did my senior year of high school which was 210, currently I'm 26 years old and work in a Level one ER in Phoenix, AZ and the business of it has left my body deteriated. I've liked what I've read so far and would really appreciate a little help. Hopefully you will notice this comment.
Ian Youngblood (360) 731-5936 Ianmjyoungblood@gmail.com
Thanks for dropping me a line here and I will contact you via email shortly. I have detailed this program, all 12-13 weeks, pretty well but if you are looking for more detail then maybe you are interested in hiring me as a full-time coach. Working with me as a coach means that I am at your disposal and each week of program is created FOR YOU! Literally, for your goals specifically as we find strengths and weaknesses each and every single week for 12 weeks.