* Mini-Circa-Max Phase: 90-110% at the top on DE Days
* Not a lot is changing this week except we are adding in a little more % to the bar and possibly reducing reps and increasing rest times. Increase your therapy work as well!
Day 1:
Bench Press:
+ doubled (micro) mini bands
40% x 3 x 2 sets
50% x 3 x 2 sets
60% x 3 x 2 sets
70% x 1
80% x 1 (a miss is OK)
3 Board Press: 80% x 2 (keep bands on the bar)
1 Board Press: 80% x 1 (keep bands)
OPTIONAL: Add Sling Shot (keep bands): 50% x 2 sets of max reps (8+)
** Don't rest more than 90-120 seconds on your lighter sets. To be a warm up they actually need to be getting you WARMED UP and fired up inside. Feed off of the speed that you generate from the sets with 40%.
Day 2:
Box Squats: 5 sets of 2 with 60-120 seconds rest between
60% + bands/chains (35-45% bands/chains, 90-110% at the top)
Optional 1 heavier single
Free Pause Squats (same bar): 1-2 sets of 1 with whatever you feel comfortable with, no misses, no crazy efforts, something super light is best!
- Hit perfect depth with as little weight as possible!
Lunges: 2 sets of 10 each leg, sissy squats are also acceptable
- These are just movement for the knee and hips, think rehab/prehab/stretching
Back Extensions: 1-3 sets of 10
ABS: 3 hard sets
** You can increase the time of rest on the box squats since we are pushing the weight to high levels. Work on speed but understand that the bands/chains will be slowing you down! FIGHT IT!
Day 3:
2 Board Bench Press: add micro mini or mini bands OR reverse the bands...your choice
60% + 35% (mini or micro mini bands) in band tension x 2 x 5 sets, 90-120 seconds rest between sets
Optional heavier 1-2 singles
Chins: 2 NON MAX rep sets, use reverse bands so that you are getting 18-25 reps per set
Triceps: hard work
Rows: 3 sets, hard work
Rotators: 3 hard, high rep sets
** This is harder work than you think. Warm up your rear delts, lats, shoulders, biceps, triceps all before doing your first set of bench press! This is important!
Day 4:
Deadlifts: 60/70/80/85% with x 3/3/2/1+
Alternate Stance off Boxes: 50% x 3 x 2 sets
Squat or Variation: warm up and hit depth with the lightest weight possible (50-70%)
GHR or Hamstring Exercise of Choice: 3 hard sets of WORK
ABS: 2 hard Sets
** This is only a super intense day if you need it to be. If you need to take your opener or a PR...take it. If you need to pull up par for the course and just pull 85% x 1, do that. Listen to your body and realize that you still have 4 weeks left.
** Optional Day 3: Start with OHP: 4 sets of 4 with 80%
** Finish every session with triceps, lats, abs, and something for prehab
Are You Beat Up?
The chances of you being beat up at this point is pretty high. Shoulders, biceps, elbows, etc... If you had several bars at your disposal it would be GREAT! I'd suggest using your SS Yoke Bar, Cambered Bar, Squat Bar, Viking Squat Harness, etc... If you don't have those you could pick up some OBB Power Handles that just snap right onto your barbell and it does wonders for your joints!