Not a resolutions person. Maybe it can be looked at the same as having goals. But I think too much pressure is put on people for actual New Years Resolutions. If you need a change, make it any time of year. (But yes, I get the concept of new year, new changes, etc etc).
As 2017 rolled in, I had a lot of thoughts about 2016. So I guess this year was more of a reflection of the past year and really taking to heart the things I learned... and digging deeper on what I still need to do better.
And so.... the things I learned.
1. Communication is everything. I'm convinced that 99.9% of issues/arguments/discussions can not only be solved, but handled in the best way possible if people just communicated. You can be clear and firm without being an a-hole. Jumping to conclusions and flying off the handle never works for either party. Wanna know something? Ask. Politely, calmly... Chances are whatever stories you made up in your mind weren't real anyway. How do I know? I'm the queen of storytelling. The more you communicate/ask, the more the other person will see that you respect them. And that makes all the difference. And be honest... sometimes it may mean a punch in the stomach to the other person, it may sting for a minute, but rather that than questions linger.
2. Be open, but keep your circle small. You should have at least 1 (maybe 2-3) close people in your life who not only share your happy times and joys, but who know your bads and uglies too. Utilize them (notice I didn't say "use" them). Those people will be the most understanding people in your life. They will cry with you, pick you up and dust you off and even tell you to "get your sh!t together" when you need it. No, not everyone needs to know your story, but keeping struggles inside isn't good either (not even from a health standpoint.) Sometimes you just need to vent.
3. Take social media for what it is. From squat depth, deadlifts and ab shots to happy couples and well-behaved kids. Going back to #2, it doesn't mean to show all the dark areas of your life, but know that it's only a glimpse of what most want you to see. Why is this important? Because it's easy to compare. So just realize what you're comparing to.
4. Don't give up. (Most cliche quote EVER.) But hear me out... Take risks. If it's something you believe in, keep working towards it. Job, house, school, kids, training goals. No one, and I mean no one, will understand the desires of your heart but you. Sometimes you'll even think you yourself are nuts. And sometimes it will seem like all the cards are stacked against you. But keep going. It's not about "achieving" that thing, because even if it "fails", there are lessons learned and growth that happened. Do. Not. Stop.
5. Baby Steps. Playing off #4, know that there is a never a perfect time for anything. To move, to start a business, to have a kid, to invest in something. You may think, "When XYZ happens, I'll definitely do that one thing." But there is never a perfect time. Do what you can today, one small thing, that will get you to where you want to go.
6. Love. Give it. But more importantly, receive it. Sometimes letting people love us is scary. It means being vulnerable (wanna read a good book on vulnerability? Check out Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown.) It means letting someone see your crappy days. It means opening up. It means saying sorry. It means stepping up even when you're afraid to fail. Give love every day. But receive it with open arms.
I could go on and on. But these hit me hard. I work every day to improve my mental awareness so when life throws wrenches, you can dodge them.
To my family... and my smallest circle around me... Thank you for teaching me these things.