Cardio before and after trip 15 mins stepmill on wed,wed and fri. Sunday 1 hour sled
9/3 Lower
Reverse hypers 4x10
Hack squat with each set 6 reps wide and 6 reps close-7 sets. Finishe with 3 more sets close stancex12.
Deadlift with pause below knee and above knee. Work sets are still pitiful weights. 5x3
Long strap standing abs 4x15
Reverse hyper 2x12
9/2 Upper
Mag handle pulldowns 10x10
ONe arm rows on chest supported row 5x8
Incline press 9x6
Neutral grip push 8x25, last few sets with pause and stretch at bottom
COncentration curls 5x8 with 2 sec pause
9/1 Bothish
Two hand Kb swings 10x8
rope pulls to lower abdomen
Rope twist/chop 6x8 per side
kb windmills 3to5 per sidex8
Standing abs 8x8
reverse alternating lunge with sled belt attached to low cable pulley 8x6 per leg
leg extension 10xfailure
Machine squat 6x6
stiff leg back extension with plate 4x8
Finally well enough to go on a short vacay. We took off to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. Spent a shitload of points to stay at the Fallsview Marriot but worth it. You open the window and it is like you are watching a big screen tv of the falls-except totally commerical free and better then any TV you can find. Pretty much breath taking. We were there for 4 days ish. We spent alot of time just looking out our window, when we werent out, zoning out 'cause that is what things like this do to you. Your phone doesn't matter and the world is allright. You just can't be mad or all about yourself when you stare at some that nature has created and that will be there way past any time you or I can think of.
The first thing I notice when we go down to the falls on the first night is the many many many nationalities represented-Muslims, Indians, Middle easterners of all sorts, Italians, Germans, Latins, various Europeans, Hasidic Jews(have-locks and side locks abound),Africians and even a group of Mennonites. I kept singng the Men at Work, Land down under subbing out vegamite sandwich to mennonite sandwich until she tells me it is vegeamite. I know this and it more fun to sing mennonite. Everyone was represented. No one was pissed or mean mugging anyone. No brawls or screaming at each other, just people enjoying the scenery and each other. My head was on a swivel for a bit when we first got down there as I braced for something bad as the media portrays everyone to hate everyone . I was not prepared for everyone to just be hanging out like that ,but there it was. It was almost as mesmerizing as the falls are.
The road by the falls is well kept, clean and pretty much commercial free so it is pure. You go up one block away from the Falls main strip and you hit a mini Vegas-ride, casinos, attractions, sky ferris wheel. The atmosphere is light and families are everywhere blowing all their money on a good time. If I was a kid, this part would have been pure heaven. We hit the ferris wheel as that is always a must do when we go to a new city. I thoroughly enjoy moving around and irritating the old lady. She hates it when I do that. After that we hit the Ripley's believe it not museum. That is about all the touristy we can stand for the day and we eat at the Hard rock Cafe there. Obviously its heyday is gone but it is still pleasant to eat there 20 years too late. You have tvs at everybooth and even the tvs are from the 90s. Off to Canadian chocolate world(not anywhere close to the awesomeness of the real chocolate world of hershey park but decent) after that for the usual cookie and cake fest that is every trip we take.
Since this whole year has been pretty much total shitery with the cancer scare, radiation and chemo, constant testing and just plain crap going on, I thought I had cut the vacation too short. I thought a couple more days away would be what I needed but it was not. It was just right. We spent the rest of the time hitting all the tourist things and just hanging-zip line, Niagara by the Lake, Bus tour etc. Niagara by the Lake is down the road a bit where all the vineyards are. Literally almost a couple dozen I believe. I am not wine expert and mostly I am not even a wine drinker but what the hell. The wife had been told about this place that had some really good cheese so we went to find that. I got intriguged by a vineyard with some peach wine. I guess the hillbilly in me liked the idea of peach wine. I still have a hard time tasting sweetness and sugar but we stop and have a tasting. The peach turns out to be a dessert wine but I am a wine idiot and really have no clue. I have been listening to the Game of Thrones books on audio and they drink wine like bastards-maybe a flaggan of wine and Tyrion to throw japes at me was the thought. I liked it and got a bottle anyhow. These days I really give less fucks(almost none really) then I used to and besides you got start some where if you don't know something and want to learn. The lady was nice enough but I could tell she wasn't into the wine virgin sacrifice and her pallate more sophisticated. Luckily the wife is awesome conversationalist and has a great memory. I barely can remember where I am at most of the time.
Recharged for the minute, I am glad to be home. I have alot of shit left to do this year. One of my main priorities is getting back on the learning wagon. Since I got into powerlifting and training as a job back in 1998, I always craved knowledge. I know there is always more to learn and get better at. I got sidetracked opening all these stores after my quad tear in 2007 to the point of depression I think.I loved the finding, opening and the building of each store but after that I spent more time trying to keep people working then actually learning and getting better. I don't regret any of that business side. I am just not a manager of people as I expect them to be like be which is just get the job done and be there everyday and do your best and above. I also didn't hire someone to manage anything for me. Me and teh wife just handled it-from soup to nuts, we did it all but not very well on the people side though. We are a quirky bunch and it is very hard to find people who fit into your mold. Business was fine and we made money but at the end of the day if you hate every second of that then what is the purpose. So that little bit said we just attended a Boris Sheiko seminar here in Columbia at Donnie's Compound and we are Going to the Swis symposium and a Be Activated seminar later this year. Working on some other things but for now this is more then I expected to write.
Thanks for checking my log as always.