I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts. 

Back days are still a staple and hit about every 5th day.  Most bodybuilding routines are known for 1 body part a day per week.  Right now Scott has me on a like a 9-10 day rotation.  It allows me to hit certain body parts twice within those 10 days rather than over 14 days. Make sense?

It's not set in stone though.  One thing I've talked about in my log (and we talked about at our seminars this past weekend) was that training has to be fluid and adjustable.  So depending on my schedule, days change, rotation gets moved around a bit, etc.

So I can't outright tell you that Mon = bench, Tues = legs, Wed = arms....  But I do try to lay out what my weeks have looked like.

Last week:
Sunday - Legs and light back
Tuesday - Back and bis
Wednesday - Bench, shoulders, tris
Thursday - OFF
Friday - Legs
Saturday - Back
Sunday - OFF
Monday - Bench, shoulders, little tris
Tuesday - Deads, some legs, some Bis/Tris
Wednesday - Back
Thursday - OFF
Friday - Bench, shoulders, bis/tris

A little non-traditional in the bodybuilding scheme of things.  You  may be thinking, why are you doing tris monday, then again tuesday and friday? The volume is less on some days and more on others. But this is a way that we've been able to get more volume in and still not overdo it.

If you have any questions on why and how programming is done this way, leave a comment and Scott and I will do our best to answer.

A. Pulldowns wide 3x20
B. Db row 4x15 high angle into incline bench
C1. Pull-ups 4x4
C2. Flexed arm hold (lats engaged does not need to be chin over) 4x5 secs
D. Face pulls with row (8/8/8 head mouth chest) 4x24
E. Rev incline raises low incline 3x12
F. Db rack attack shrugs 2 sets x12-15
G. Abs 10mins