Last week's training started on Sunday at the S4 compound. I believe it was literally the last session there before all the equipment got moved over to the S5. Hit some heavier bench work since I knew I'd have some eyes and coaching on me. Had a great time chatting and filmed a Coupled in Strength video with Casey and Yessica.
Then Friday I traveled down to Memphis to visit NBS Fitness and their crew. Part of it was a BIG birthday surprise for Christian Anto. With the help of a good friend, Yvonna, we managed to actually pull it off!! Spent the day hanging and eating tons of good food.
Saturday morning I did a quick session to work some position tweaks that Christian helped me with last week. Spent some more time visiting Memphis and eating some more food with new friends. It was definitely a much needed trip. Even with the few interactions that Christian and I had over the years, we never got a lot of time to just hang out, chat and talk shop. So this was very refreshing and fun to see him outside of training. He's got a great eye for coaching, so in those regards, having a fresh perspective of new things to work on is helpful. And then personally, he's helped me grow in the short time I've known him.
Monday at S4
A. Bench, worked up to 185x1, 195x1, 195x1
B. DB press 3x15
C. Laterals 3x15
D. Pushdowns 4x20
A. SSB squats 3x10
B. Leg extensions 4x10-15, drop set last 15-30
C. 2/1 leg curls 4x8 each
D. Walking lunges 100 total
A. OH press, worked up to 115x3, then down set of 30
B1. Jammer press 4x12
B2. Laterals 4x12
C1. Rear laterals 3x15
C2. Band pullaparts 3x15
D1. Cable single front raise 3x10
D2. DB OH press, light 3/4 reps 3x25
E. Face pulls 4x15, drop set
Saturday at NBS
A. Sumo deads 3x5 @ 225
B. Hack squat 4x15
C1. Pullups 3x8
C2. Bulgarian split squats 3x10 BW
D1. GHR 3x10
D2. Single leg curls 3x10 each