I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts. 

Saturday I had to train in the morning again. Knocked out my light squats pretty quick and then the silly tri-set of leg extensions, leg curls and leg press made me want to vomit.  I almost skipped the Bulgarians because by that point I just wasn't feeling good. The kids have had mild colds and I just had that sick/run-down feeling.  I literally wanted to just lay down and sleep for 3 hours.  But I finished it all, packed up the kids and headed to the house.

Cleaned up and ran out the door to a baby shower. Ended up being gone most of the day.  I felt better but it was definitely an early bedtime for me and a chance to sleep in on Sunday.

Wake up Sunday and Scott says, "do you want to train today?"

"Haha... no."

Very rarely do I pass up the opportunity to get in a training session, but I also knew my body needed a rest, physically and mentally. It had snowed the day before and the kids and I didn't have anything to do. So I took advantage of that and stayed in. They volunteered to do some chores (what?), I food prepped a bit, we played games and watched movies.  Much needed relaxing day.

Now.... I have been doing my stretches for my hip/glute/hamstring.  It's slowly helping.  I've also been getting my lacrosse ball in my hamstring... man that thing is bound up pretty good.  I know the lacrosse ball will help but it's tough to get in exactly where and how it needs to be done. I'll try to get some video of what I've been doing and share it.

Saturday - Squat (light)/ legs
A. Narrow stance Squats 4x10 @ 185
B1. Leg extensions x12 
B2. Hamstring curls. Lying x8
B3. Leg press x15
5 rounds
C. DB stiffeys 4x8 
D. Pull-ups x20
E. Bulgarians pulsed (no load) 2xswole ea
F. Abs 5mins



Monday - Back and Biceps
A. Lat pull downs light 4x12 
B. Pull-ups x12-10-8-6-4-4
C1. Hammer strength supinated pulldowns 4x12 
C2. Straight bar straight arm pulldowns 4x15
D. DB row 3x12 heavy!!!!
E. Preacher curls 4x12 
D. Cable curls 3x8 drop set
E. Reverse Pec deck 4x15