-Mcgill Planks and bird dogs
-Reverse hypers 2x20
-Swings 20kg x20 per arm, 24kgx30 swings per arm, 28kgx50 or 60 swings per arm
Day started out crappy at 4am ish with a text from a employee saying she might not be into work on time. This is mailing packages time and all hands are needed now and it can't be laid on one person. My intial gut is why would you schedule something that might go wrong causing issues. It worked out fine with a call and not making it into something it is not. I have told her in the past I vibrate when I get really mad and she asked me if I was vibrating and I said close. It is also really busy on the Spud Inc side and Dale came in super ass early to work so I thought he really needed some help so I cut training out right after activations to help. Got into that moment and found out he didn't need my help. This sent me off the rails when added to the 4am-ish text and jacking into the wife's anxiety over the dog and missing cats. I had not been jacked in like this in a couple months since the Be Activated were done. Although the activations pulled it down some, it was to the point where I had to leave before el giaganto a hole came out and manifested. I was just in too deep at this moment. At these points I am highly emotional and personally I feel weak which just really pisses me off that I let this happen. Many hours later in the middle of the night when I woke up and was thinking about the day and each of the people, I just realized I wasn't deep breathing into the diaphragm so I began this with some breathing activations and started to calm down while lying in bed. In that moment I just realized I jacked into everyone and that was not on me at all. That shit belongs to them and it all sorta faded out. Went back to sleep and woke up pretty good but determined and still alittle mad at myself for allowing this to happen. The point of this rant is that I left myself get back in that old seat and drive the wrong car down the wrong side of the road. Additionally I tried to assume control of something that is not on my plate and not my responsibility and lastly I got out of my own groove to do this. In retrospect I should have trained as usual, done some more activations and then see where I was needed. I did not and found myself back as old asshole Marc.
Once the breathing was back in line , this brought my sympathetic nervous down to a manageable level. This led to a pretty good training day on Saturday which is also the point of this. life is gonna through you alot of shit to get in your way. We often just repeat the same old ways to deal with things which also stresses our bodies to point it can ruin or dampen training significantly. With the breathing and activations this went from a normal 2 or 3 day thing to one day after I pulled out of the moment enough. Not that the damage was not inflicted already but the down time was reduced greatly. These applications are both physical and emotional.
-Reverse Hypers 3x15
-Conventional eccentric deadlifts. Worked up to 455x3x2 sets
-Wide stance raw 3x6, 8
-Snatches 20kg x20 per arm, 30 per arm, 50 ish per arm. Set the timer fo 5 mins, made it to 4:15 and that was that.
-Reverse Hypers to finish 2x15
-Prowler push 1 lap with 25lb. Had this idea I was going to do 6 mins straight push but quickly realized the wet asphalt would kill that and 25lb per arm would be way too much. Took weight off and set the timer for 5 mins(which is the snatch time test limit by the way) Made it 4;45 this time before that was that.