Although we’re trying to improve her technique to recruit more of her hamstrings and glutes, Carley is currently a very quad dominant squatter. Here she is performing band assisted glute ham raises on the Home GHR to work on her weak points. We're going to document the increases in her squat and deadlift now that she's started incorporating them.
The Home GHR works as well, if not better, than a full sized GHR and can be performed with the assistance of a push up or added accommodating resistance as well as in combination with the Ab wheel. I have also seen far more expensive versions that can be used with assistance whereas the same can be accomplished with the use of bands for assistance on the Home GHR.
Purchase your own today here on Elitefts: The Affordable and Effective Floor Based Home GHR
Finding a steel company that was willing to work with me when I first had my design for the Home GHR wasn’t an easy task. Numerous companies turned me down and basically laughed in my face, more often they didn’t reply at all, so when I finally found one I was pretty excited. Now, 8 years later, I have been informed that they want to increase the price on my products by 50%. I realize that the tariffs have increased domestic steel prices, but not by 50%. This, along with taking a ridiculously long time to ship my products (which I unfortunately can't do anything about) makes it pretty obvious that they don't want my business.
My mark up isn’t very much and the pads alone cost almost $100 each, so I would be losing money if they do that, or I’ll have to increase the price by almost 50% to make up for it. The sales of my products have kept Orlando Barbell open on numerous occasions, so it’s not something I can do without. My only other option is to once again try to find another steel manufacturer willing to work with me, but this is going to take a while and the price will most likely still go up. This applies to the OBB Power Handles as well. There are a few left on my current PO with them, so if you’re interested in getting the Home GHR or The OBB Power Handles at the current price I would recommend you do it now before they’re gone.