Got after it today. Although every training day cant be heavy squats, deadlifts and bench presses, the intensity doesn't drop. Today was 1 of 3 back training days I do in a 9 day training split. The first, todays, is always heavy rows with minimal intensifying techniques. Straight weight, heavy and intense.
A1. Started with a shortened range of motion seated hammer row. I'll video this next time as I feel its an exercise often not used because the position is weird and not natural. Worked up to 6 plates per side for 10 reps. I worked up in sets of 10 as well from 1 plate all the way up.
A2. Moved right to bent barbell row. Usually this is my third or forth exercise but I didn't want to waste anymore effort this being my heavier compound day. Worked up from 185, to 315 adding quarters each time. Then worked 3 sets of 8 here with a strict form as possible. Will increase load at sets of 8 next rotation of this exercise. Video below of third set.
A3. Seated close grip cable rows. A standard in most back training. I worked up in sets of 12 taking 40 pound jumps. Worked up to the stack (280) for 12. Focus here was keeping the shoulders depressed and driving with the elbows hard as well as moving the scapula first to retract and last to move on the eccentric.
A4. Moved into a chest supported bi-lateral row. I completed this using cluster sets. 6 sets of 4 with 10 second breaks in between each set. Started with 2 plates and a quarter for the first set then backed down to just t plates for the second set. 48 reps with limited rest. It sucked, but this was the "metabolic" portion of todays training.
A5. Still had to throw in 1 pulldown variation. For this I ended on front cable pull downs. I started with a short range at shoulder height for 10 reps, then increased the height changing the angle. This was more middle range, then completed 10 reps and then moved it to the very top for an additional 10 reps. That was one set. On my second I just did the opposite and went from a longer ranger of motion to a shorter one over three mini sets of 10. This is known as a mechanical set. Changing the mechanical advantage to increase or decrease the difficulty of a movement.
I hate training arms, mainly because mine are small and its depressing. So I'm paying extra attention to making sure I train all the ranges of motion to ensure growth. This is a great tri-set that hits all three ranges. You can mess with the number of rounds and reps but I like to keep them high, change the tempos, and not max on weight.
A1: Seated regular bicep curl- Mid range focus x 12 bilateraly
A2. Incline EZ-Curl spider curls: Short range 6 sets of 4; 10 second pauses kept the bar in the hands the whole time so the bicep would be resting in a stretched position.
A3. Cable curls: shoulders in an extended position behind me. This really works the insertion of the bicep and gets you a nasty contraction. 12 reps with 2 sec squeezes.
Rested 60 seconds between rounds, non-stop between exercises. Completed 4 rounds.
That's all she wrote!