Recent comps:
March 4, 2017 XPC Arnold - Raw 132, (315/185/360, 3 PR's)
Nov 5, 2016 NPC Midwest Gladiator Chicago - Women's Physique
Sept 24, 2016 NPC Indianapolis Grand Prix - Women's Physique
May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132, Pro total
Coach - Scott Paltos.
Read back at previous training logs to see what my off-season contained to prep for both PL and physique. #creatingamonster.
Long and hectic week. Mostly mentally. The training was solid and put a hurting on me a couple of those days too. I worked in a couple ROMwods as well as being conscious of warming up better.
Saturday morning was some conditioning work, which had me huffing and puffing pretty good. One week, one day at a time.
A. Speed bench vs chains 8x2 @ 95
B. Close grip shoulder saver 5x8, worked up to 145
C1. Laterals 4x15
C2. DB upright rows wide 4x12
D1. Hammer pulldowns 4x12-15
D2. Pullaparts 4x40
E1. Incline tates 4x12
E2. Rev incline laterals 4x20
** D&E include drop sets**
A. SSB squats 135x10
135, 2x15
(kept at RPE 7)
B. Block pulls 315xamap (15)
C1. Leg extensions 4x15
C2. Back ext 4x10
D1. Single leg hamstring curls 4x12
D2. Chest supported rows 4x20
E. Face pulls
G. Abs
A. Floor press 115x7 135x5 145x5 155x5 165, 2x3
B. Weighted pull-ups 10x3 20x3 25x3 30x3 35x3 40x2.5 Bodyweight x17
C1. Seated cleans 4x15
C2. Plate raises 4x12
C3. Bent over raises 4x15
D1. Incline skullcrushers 4x10
D2. Rope curls 4x12
E1. Laterals 3x15
E2. Face pulls 3x12
A. WIDE box squats 8x3 @ 185-205
B. Stiff leg deads 4x9
C. Hack squat 5x15
D. Underhand pulldown 5x10
E. Hamstring curls single leg 4x12
F. Abs