With my blood now in great shape and TRT going quite well, I am looking forward to a great year.  I have yet to get to the level of leanness I am shooting for but I am very close.  This week I finish up at 207 and still feel that 200 is where I want to be before changing gears.  I go on vacation next week and plan to take the remaining 3 weeks of the year and get to my goal condition and weight.

The double cardio is nothing of the chore that I thought it would be.  I hate to admit it publicly but ... I actually feel pretty damn good doing it and am ... are you ready for this? ... enjoying it.  I will continue it when I get back as it is helping tremendously with progress.  It is weird because I am not dropping a lot of weight every week but I am fuller, more vascular and just plain leaner while only dropping about a pound a week.

I did decide to cut back on my Skipload time thinking this MIGHT help speed up progress.  I have been starting my Skiploads on Saturday nights - sometimes as early as 6pm and then loading all day on Sunday, as well.  I figured I would check to see if not loading on Saturday nights and just loading on Sundays would help and it didn't do a damn thing other than have me starving on Saturday nights. lol  Suffice to say that I am going back to the longer load times.

After I hit the 200 pound mark and attain the condition I want, I am going to slowly start adding back calories and finally filling out.  I love dieting but I could do without the stringy feeling and the lack of strength and endurance while training.  I want that back but not at all at the expense of body fat.  I am going to slowly bring up calories and drop cardio down to 3 to 4 times a week only.  I feel I can PROBABLY bring my weight back up to about 205 ish with the EXACT same body fat levels.  I feel I am THAT flat when I am dieting.  This will be perfect condition for me to film the training segments for the Until I Collapse DVD (TRTbodybuilding).

I have been entertaining the thought of possibly reneging on my "retirement" idea and competing next year but ONLY on TRT dosing.  There is a part of me that would like to prove just how big and conditioned I can still be on only TRT dosing and use that as part of the DVD but ... I am not sure at this point.  It is just something I am contemplating.

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.  I know I will because I will be on a cruise with my family and doing no work for 10 days.  Hey, I deserve it.