You're welcome.

I am going to be brief with this coach log and use more of a bullet point approach today.

* Diet changed at 4 weeks and has not changed since.  It is now 6 weeks (halfway to the 12-week mark).  

*Body fat continues to drop with little to no effort.  

* Not one minute of cardio and no plans to do any, either.

*Training remains at 4 days with the same rotation so that what I train on Mondays, I train again on Fridays (though different exercises, same muscle groups).  I think the only change to my training schedule is that I am starting to add some work on Saturdays by doing a few muscle groups that I may opt out of during the week.  An example would be arms and calves.  I would rather workout an extra day and be able to really hit these muscle groups hard, than I would to try to cram them in at the end of a workout when I feel that I am not going to get much out of it.  Plus, it's the only day I train early in the afternoon so I ride my motorcycle to the gym and enjoy a different crowd than I am used to.  I am also not racing the clock to finish so I enjoy the Saturday workouts.

*Strength continues to climb.

*Only minor aches/pains.
I still have a sore right wrist but it is MUCH better than it was 2 weeks ago.  If it was an 8 on a 1-10 scale, it is now about a 4.
Right shoulder is slightly sore, but this is not training related.  I rolled over on it while sleeping - seriously.  
Left ankle was so sore late last week that I couldn't train calves on leg day.  I had to train them a couple days later on a Saturday.  This ankle issue has manifested itself before and I can't explain it.  It almost feels as if it is sprained.  I can usually warm up really good and then it will be fine but until I do, it hurts like a sprain about 3/4 of the way up.

*Skipload did get more aggressive this last Sunday.  For the first time in 6 weeks, I had pancakes, a burger, pizza and a pecan pie milkshake.  I had not had any of these things for the last 6 weeks.  I will report later in the week whether I feel that the change in the Skipload was beneficial or not.  I do know that I don't enjoy eating that much food but I admit that I didn't feel any more distended today (same notch on my lifting belt as before the Skipload) than I normally do.  I also didn't feel any stronger or more full in the gym today, either.  For reference, I ALWAYS feel full and strong on Mondays since starting back so my point is that I didn't feel or see any difference.

*DEXA Scan results:
I wish I had done a DEXA at the very start of this 12-week phase but I didn't.  I did manage to get one at the 6-week mark and I will do another one at the 12-week mark, for contrast.
This DEXA has me at 14.3% and if you know anything about DEXA, they are accurate.  This is a "TRUE" body fat measure so I was pretty happy with the number because the pics are going to show clearly that I started 6 weeks ago, fat as hell.  It also means that I am likely on track to be around 10% by the time the 12-week phase is up and I shift into the gaining phase for 2019.  A true 10% means I will have veins in my legs, no noticeable lower back fat, or fat titties.


I did a lot of these DEXA Scans back when I competed in 2004.  I was doing one every month and it was an invaluable tool.  Living as an Urbanite now instead of so rurally, I have access to options like this again and I plan to use the DEXA every couple of months for 2019 to gauge my progress.  I will be glad to post the scans and keep you all informed if you are interested.

*I will be at Nationals for the first time this weekend because it is basically in my backyard.  If you plan to be there and you see me, please say hi.