Theres an appropriate time and place for everything. When it comes to explosive training, timing and fatigue mean everything. Doing this too soon in a training session without the tissues being adequately warmed up and lubricated can yeild serious injury.
Most of the time people like to program explosive exercises with lighter weight in a controlled environment. These are usually machine based and have a high level of stability. Stability is necessary for explosiveness when it comes to hypertrophy training. Any unwanted risk is not needed. Stability is just one half of the explosive component. Tension is the next. High tension with added stability will give you the greatest results when looking to use explosive rep training for hypertrophy.
My favorite way to use explosive rep training is intra set explosiveness. After building up a base of fatigue through straight sets, high volume or intensifying techniques you can drop weight, anyway you want, and move to explosive reps. While blood volume and fatigue are both high dropping weight and adding controlled explosive reps is a game changer.
Below we used the leg press and added elitefts orange bands around a barbell behind the seat. Me and my training partner Zach both worked up to a moderately heavy set of 10 and then did a strip set of 50 reps. On the last set when the paramaters were right, high blood volume, high fatigue, stable environment, high tension, we took each rep with an explosive mindset to really finish the set.
This type of training technique should be used sparingly as it is extremely taxing on both the muscular and nervous system. Absolutely, should only be used 1x in a training session.
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