Stepmill 30 mins Sunday and Tuesday


Saturday1/23 LOWER

Reverse hypers to warm up 3x12

Box squat with briefs and 2 blues per side, worked up to 490x2

Raw rack just below knees conventional . Worked up to 585x3, then back down to 495x5

Reverse hyper 2x12

Rolled quad and foot with x-wife lite

Monday 1/25 UPPER

Standing pulldowns 10x8

Standing ab pulldowns 8x8

Bench extra wide grip 8x10

Dumbell rows 8x8

Cable flyes 6x8

Assisted pullups 8x8

Hammer curls 4x10

Tricep pushdowns 8x10

Wednesday 1/27 LOWER

Hanging leg raises 3x6

Reverse hypers 4x10

Tsunami day

Slant box medium stance 3 plates 5x5, drop sets 2 plates-2x10

Wide stance GMs 5x5

Wide stance belt squat 5x5

Reverse hypers 1x25