I made it back! I'm alive and feeling good. I did not have the desired effect of break, however. I'm still burned out. But, my body feels good so I'll make it happen.
I was bored to death Saturday so I came in around 7pm and got in a great 1st workout.
- SSB Box Squat Warm-ups 155x5, 205x5, 245x5
- Pull-aparts 2x25
- Ab Rollouts 3x10
- SSB Box Squat Work 270x5, 300x5, 330x5. 5x5@270
- Push-ups 4x15
- Pull-ups 4x5
Squats felt great!
I did push-ups on DB instead of a Dip Bar so they were much lower. I should've done 20-25 instead, but I didn't.
All in all, I was tight from a plane trip and a car ride, but once I started moving it was good to be back.
- FBB Bench Warm-ups 3x10
- Pull-aparts 2x25
- Reverse Lunge 2x10 each
- FBB Bench Work 175x5, 195x5, 215x5, 5x8@175
- Pull-ups 4x12 (4 grips)
- Hammer Rows 2x20
- Side Raises 2x20
- DB Shrugs 2x20
- DB Curls 2x20
I did the Pull-ups and Rows in between Bench sets. The other stuff I just did to do it.
I'm a little sore from Saturday, but the good sore. I needed the time off. Back to it with 10 more workouts in this cycle. Should take me right to the end of spring football. Then I'll start my next phase during the reading week before finals. Quick trip to Massachusetts to speak at my high school and then back for the start of summer football lifts.
I wanted to tell you that I enjoy your training log. While I never attained your level of strength, or played at your level of sport. I've walked a few miles with a ruck on my back and beat and banged with some dudes I probably had no business messing with. That being said, I've had to transition to the "old man bars" and use a little more wisdom in the weight room. So, thanks for posting, you've taught me a lot over the years.
I have to credit long talks with Jim Wendler for the new view on "old man" training. Jim refers to us as WaLRUS's. Basically, figure out what you CAN do without hurting yourself and then hammer away at it at a nice, slow pace. We all know the effects of training are a marathon, not a sprint. And, as old men we need to think longevity over instant gratification.
I appreciate you guys taking the time to read my stuff and I'm glad some of it makes sense.