Thursday and Friday I opted to ride the bike. Which, by the way, seems to bother my hip/groin. On Saturday I had some issues with it that had me panicked. I pulled it together and realized it was a muscle strain not a joint issue.
- SSB Box Squat Warm-up: 3x5
- Pull-aparts: 2x25
- Side Raises: 2x20
- Ab Rollouts: 3x10
- SSB Box Squat: 225x5/265x5/305x5
- 1 Arm Landmine Rows: 3x10
On my last rep with 305 I felt a twinge/pop of some sort in my groin on the bad hip. I thought it was joint related and started freaking out. I pulled myself together and realized that it was just a strain. Probably my adductor.
After the initial strain it didn't hurt at all. I could recreate the issue when I squatted down to about 3/4 depth, otherwise, it didn't bother me at all. I tried to get my head back in the game, but it just wasn't happening so I went home and sulked.
But, I did hit my goal for the day which was 305x5, so it wasn't a lost workout.