Secondary back day was as follows:
This was a fast paced, high intensity training session focused on vertical pulling movements for lat width.
A1. Short Range front rope pull downs: This emphasized working the lats in their short position which a majority of people have a hard time doing. I completed 5 sets of 10 with 10sec rest to really get a pump going and get my lats primed and ready to go.
A2. I moved to my only rowing movement of the day which was a seated machine row with a great profile for the stretched position of the lat. I worked up in sets of 10 until I reached the entire stack for 10 reps. I think it was like 280# or something
A3/A4. I moved to a super set of bent over rope pulldowns/rows super set with a pulldown with the neutral grip narrow handles. This really targeted my lats and upper outer back, primarily the teres group. I mad sure to really pull with my scapula first and made sure they were the last to move as well.
A5. This was an overhand straight bar pull down to really work the upper back and outer lats once again. I stopped at chin height similar to a chin up. This Is where I felt the best contraction.
I wrapped this up pretty quickly in under an hour. I was gassed.
So refeeds, cheat meals, whatever you wanna call them, they serve a purpose. It depends on where you are during your season of training. Dropping body fat, putting on mass it all depends. I used to come from a view of doing it as the last meal of the day of legs. They usually need to be bigger, demand a lot of energy to train so replenishing them with a high calorie meal is ideal. However, I have been switching things up lately. Now, I have my been behind the times on this but oh well. I have now moved this meal to the last meal of the day of the day prior to training legs. I then have a light meal or two prior to legs the next day. I find I have a lot more energy to train legs when calories are lowered and cardio has been increased. This is just one way. How do you implement this into your training when restricted?