I have articles on this topic already Simplify Your Nutrition and Phases of Performance Nutrition so I will be brief in this blog along with posting my current nutrition plan. The idea when performance is the most important thing which should be the case for all sports we want to focus on nutrition timing and that means putting most of if not all of your carbs around your workout window, so pre, intra, post, and post post-workout. Outside of that window, your meals will be made up of mostly fats and proteins all while keeping the idea that calories are king and being in a slight surplus is ideal. Those are your basics make sure you get enough calories first and foremost and secondly making sure you have carbs around your workout to help fuel your workout. If you just focus on that you will get jacked and strong.

As of right now I am sitting at 255lbs and this is my current training day diet.

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My non-training day diet:

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Here is the rest of my first week of training for Record Breakers


Football Bar BP- 335lbs for 4 sets of 5 reps

Fat Bar Floor Press- 295llbs for 3 sets of 7 reps

Seated DB OHP- 65lbs x15, 75lbs x12, 85lbs x10

DB Side Raises- 3 sets to failure


Overhead Cable Tri Ext- 3 sets to failure

Cable Flys- 3 sets of 15 reps


Seated DB Rear Delts- 3 sets ofr 15 reps



Stiff Bar Beltless Deads- 405lbs for 3 sets of 5 reps

2" Block Stiff Leg Deads- 455lbs x5, 495lbs x5

SSB Squats w/ Squat Wedge- 241lbs x8, 285lbs x8, 324lbs x8

BB Rows- 225lbs for 3 sets of 12 reps

Lat Pulls- 3 sets of 15 reps


Band Abs- 3 sets of 20 reps
