Soooo happy to get through the move and to get back into a rhythm but the reality is that I am bored and need a change.
The break gave my body a chance to kind of reset as far as diet and progress is concerned, though. I was kind of stalled as far as getting leaner (though I was growing) and since returning to the grind I have gotten quite a bit leaner while cutting back my cardio considerably. Why have I cut it? I am tired of doing it. How is that for honesty and being blunt? I have been doing cardio - and a ton of it - for longer than if I had been prepping for shows. There is more, though.
Over the last couple of weeks as I have gotten back into a rhythm, I have noticed that my look is kind of "over-dieted". I have a kind of flat and depleted look where my skin isn't terribly tight and I don't have that "pop" look or round look that I usually do and have had in the past. Yes, I am smaller but that isn't the problem as much as I feel I have been doing this dieting and cardio phase far too long and my body is taking on the look and it not only isn't appealing but is not at all motivating. I am not working this hard for this long to look small, depleted and flat.
Obviously, if you have followed my logs for any length of time I have no shortage of Skiploading to fill out. I was even loading for 2 days not that long ago and even though it may have helped, it just goes to show that I am just too depleted and beat down because those long load times haven't helped my look enough to get me out of this over-dieted or flat/depleted condition. At the same time, I am now getting leaner as of the last 2 weeks soooo .....
I am going to switch gears a little bit and instead of focusing on the scale weight - which at times has been given too much credit in the last 6 months anyway - I am going to change focus to my LOOK only. Still, I am going to take the next 3 weeks to stay the course and focus on getting leaner and after that 3 weeks I am going to slowly start to fill out (carefully) and getting the "pop" back with a look that is fuller and rounder and stronger but not adding body fat.
Right now I am at 200 pounds so in the next 3 weeks I am LIKELY to drop to about 195 ish, give or take. This would put me in an incredibly lean condition and one that I think is perfect for changing gears and slowly filling out but I am going to hold body fat levels very, very low. Whether I will do this strictly through SCGS compound and Skiploading or just adding calories slowly during the week or a combination of both is yet to be determined. I can tell you matter-of-factly that I will definitely be using the SCGS compound and documenting progress because this will be an ideal time to consistently use this approach to show exactly how effective it can be to grow while staying very lean over time. Not only that but I anticipate that I will be much, much fuller, as well. I will likely still use the synthetine (carnitine) but my cardio will not be high, at all, and my focus will not be on LOSING body fat but simply maintaining it. I am thinking something in the area of only about 3 cardio sessions per week.
First things first, though, I am going 3 more weeks to get leaner but will be cutting the cardio down considerably as doing double days for 10 sessions is a phase I am done with for now. It served its purpose and got me very lean but enough is enough.
I hope you have a great weekend!