My shoulder was not happy with me and I can't pin point exactly where it hurts...except for everywhere from elbow to scapula and beyond...
Lots and lots of warm ups
Box Squat
235 + heavy bands x 2 x 5 sets
325 + heavy bands x 2 x 2
415 + heavy bands x 1
+ Average Bands x 1
+ Average Bands x 1
Remove box, squat to chains
415 + heavy bands x 1
+ Average Bands x 1
+ Average Bands x 1
I was having a ton of issues simply unracking the bar in a position that didn't kill me and wouldn't roll down my back so it seemed like every set I had to make a choice. Pain or rolling!
Bench Press
hurt to bench the bar
double mini bands
145 x 3 x 8 sets
189 x 3 x 3 sets
unracked a heavier set and racked it again
Finished off with some chins, biceps, and triceps and ATE FOOD!