Lately, our Saturday's have been more focused on shoulders. The past two weeks we encountered quite a bit of "swollen-ness" going on.
Even the rest of the team was like WTF.
So, because we don't like to suffer, I mean, get swole alone, I pass this along to you.
Day 4 – Shoulders/ Upper accessories
A. Cluster bench press @ 50% max – 3x3 with 15 seconds rest between sets (then let partner go), then another 3x3 with 15 seconds rest (let partner go), then another 3x3 with 15 seconds rest. PAIR UP with someone who is using similar weight. Keep going back and forth til you finish 3 full clusters.
B. DB seated shoulder press – 3x8 with rest pause. (Rest pause means, do your 8 reps, bring the weights down and rest 15 seconds, then do another 4-8 more reps. How many reps you get depends on how heavy and how fatigued you are.
C1. Chain rear raises – 4x15 (just grab chains, don’t put handles on)
C2. Band snatch – 4x20
D1. 6 way shoulder – 3x10
D2. Neutral grip DB pushups (close grip) ¬ - 3x AMAP
E. Lying rope cable curls – 3x12, drop set last set