I can't lie, I am a Trophy Husband. I am legally registered through immigration in Cyprus as a House Wife. House Husband wasn't an option...so I'm a wife.
I don't work a 9-5 job, I drive a 2 seat convertible, I stay up late and I sleep in.
But people think that being a Trophy Husband is all about JUST being amazingly good looking. It isn't!
At 3:30 in the morning I have to look at these eyes and curls and beg him to please PLEASE go to sleep because Daddy is really freaking tired!
At 4 in the morning I have to smile while carrying this dude up the stairs to bed, then come back and get my wife.
At 9 in the morning this little dude likes to wake Daddy up by jumping on him as a surprise!
So then I take care of this wild man all day, do the laundry, dishes, sweep and mop, and have food ready and hot for when my wife and oldest son get home from school.
Then, if it is a training day I get to down a pre-workout drink and head to the gym and if it isn't it means I take my oldest son everywhere he needs to go for the afternoon. Might be English, Crew Rowing Gym, LEGO Robotics, a friend's house, etc...but it usually involved me either sitting in a car for hours or doing all of the shopping, paying bills, or filling up the cars with gas.
I can promise you that it really ain't all sunshine and rainbows but it's nothing a little caffeine and a few hugs can't get me through.
Now...get out there and EARN YOUR TROPHY!