During my doctors appointment on April 15th I was told I had lost 20% range of motion in and around both elbows. So obviously something has to happen. Well a few day ago I got a call from Ortho offering me a surgery date to clean up my left elbow. I'm extremely excited and hopeful that they can fix it or make it better than it is. So now the next step will be to have a game plan on how I will train. Although I'm not competing I still have the goal to pull 800 after I heal.
I caught this blog about your elbow situation. I am 42 years old and just finding my niche in powerlifting. I have a lot of issues with elbow, bicep and shoulder pain. Yet, in spite of my pain and age I am still determined to lift big until my heart gives out. Kudos to yo and Gods grace in your healing and recovery. I'll be following your progress forward to 800.