Every year it seems like I forget all the little stuff that goes on. You have to make sure the schedule is set. Very few coaches get back to me about their lift times, wait until the first week and then get mad when I don't have "their" time.
In a constant effort to try and "make coaches happy" while making sure we're not in the weight room for 12-13 hours a day I have a few overlapping groups this year in the mornings.
These groups can fit together because of the numbers of players in each group. Monday, Wednesday and Fridays will be busy from 6-9am. We'll have Softball at 6, (about 20-25 Football players Wednesday and Friday at 6:30, Men's Basketball at 7, Half of the Baseball team at 7:30 and the other half at 8.
This is going to work if we are on top of our game. If we have an off-day as coaches this could become a shit show. This week it went surprisingly well. Hopefully, I didn't make a mistake trying to make things convenient for sport coaches.
I've hired a new GA and have decided to figure out which teams they will get. One kid has Men's and Women's Basketball, so that's set. The other two will work with me and we'll figure out which teams they work well with and which teams seem to gravitate towards them.
At some point I just have to make a decision and let the kids coach. But, I've always thought a better chance for overall success is to try and pair the "right" coach with the "right" team. We'll see if this backfires on me soon enough.
I've told them that at one point I only had Football because my GA's were good and wanted to work. Currently, I have Volleyball, Softball, Baseball and Football. We'll see who wants to take some teams away from me.
This doesn't mean I don't help or that I'm not around with these teams. It just means that the majority of the day to day work with them is run by the GA's. After all, I know how to do this. This is their opportunity to get some experience. Generally speaking, this has worked for me in the past. I hope this year is no different.
Another thing that I've noticed is that when I do an excellent job of explaining things to the teams I have to coach less as the weeks go on. If they understand it I don't need to work very hard. Football is dialed in and they understand. Baseball is picking up where they left off last year. Volleyball is always smooth because those kids listen and follow directions incredibly well. I'll see Softball this week for the first time. Historically, they also listen very well. The way things are shaping up, if I end up keeping 4 teams it still should be a fairly simple year.
- Keep your programs simple. The easier they are to understand, the easier they are to explain. If the kids understand they will perform well.
- Explain EXACTLY what you're looking for. Not just how the workouts should go, but what the big picture looks like. Show the athletes your vision. I know for me, that explanation of the big picture has helped some kids really understand where I'm coming from.
- Hold them to high standards. We always talk about this. When they make mistakes point it out and correct it IMMEDIATELY. Don't let them do things wrong.
- Celebrate them when they're good and correct them when they are wrong. They'll figure it out if you are consistent.
- Make sure you GET AWAY from work. Don't take work home. Don't think it's cool to spend 12-16 hours a day in the weight room. It happens sometimes, but it shouldn't be the norm. Find a hobby. Take time to take care of yourself. Make sure you spend at least 20 minutes a day doing some thing you enjoy that IS NOT related to the weight room in any way, shape or form. Let your mind rest.
Speaking of that, I'm done for the day. I have plans to play the guitar for the next 2-4 hours.