My lower back is hurting! Why? Because my hams, hips, and abs are all exhausted and nothing is left to support my body except for my low back muscles.
SS Yoke Box Squats
+ Onyx Heavy Bands
242 x 2 x 6 sets
332 x 2 x 2
422 x 1
512 x 1 x 2 sets
Chain Suspended GM's
152 + bands x 3 x 3
242 + bands x 2 x 3 sets
332 + bands x 1 x 3 sets
Speed Deads
363 lbs + 195 in chains x 1 x 6 sets
Bench Press
Secret Weight Releaser Bench Program!
worked up in weight afterwards to
277 lbs, 110 weight releasers, double monster mini bands x 1!
Finished off with lats, triceps, biceps, and abs on my SpudInc Cable Pulley System and that did me in!