For most of those that know me, you know that I've relied upon the Dynamic Effort Method of training for about the last 17 years. Box Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, even Overhead Press! I've even used it on several Good Morning cycles as well so there is nothing more that drives me insane than when someone opens their mouth and lets a big ball of verbal diarrhea fall out saying "Speed Work Doesn't Work!".
Now, this video does need to be updated to take into consideration the entire new generation of people that load 70% onto the barbell, they pull it for an easy single, and then step back and yell "SPEED WORK"! Smash My Freaking Head! Heck...I'll even accept the people that do one single against bands in an entire session and call that speed work before I'll not want to flying side kick the first group right in the knee.
Possibly Speed Work isn't working because YOU are not doing it anything near correctly. So hit the nose torque, grab some Tacodrol, and sit back and watch the video...