Who: Me, of course...nutty insane me
What: Sort of speed work with a dash of insanity
When: Wednesday November 18, 2015
Where: THE House of Biceps
Why: I'm searching for a few things here. Where my strength is at with chains on the box squats and hitting depth. Keep watching my right knee and how it turns inwards. This must be fixed from beginning to end. Bench press is feeling less painful as I was dealing with some pec twinges a few weeks ago and deadlift was a deload. Soon I'll pull mid 600's again.

Walking the line between speed work and maximal effort work...so let us just call it heavy Technical Effort Work.

SS Yoke Box Squats
332 x 2
+ 70 chains x 2
+ 70 chains x 2
+ 55 chains x 2
+ 55 chains x 2
+ 55 chains x 2
+ 35 chains x 2
Add suit, straps down, lower box
Same weight x 1

Bench Press
201 + doubled mini bands x 2 x 5 sets
OBB Handles with 25 lb dbells x 2 x 2 sets (killers)

200 kg x 2 x 2
200 kg x 2 x 2

Finished off with some GHR and ABS and went home!

Clint Oct 24 88