Freaking February 1st and I've been on the Bus of Struggle the last six weeks. Getting sick just before Masters World's Strongest Man wasn't the highlight of my year but I then came straight home and got Norovirus followed by some other kind of flu. My back has hurt so bad that I am yet to stand up off of the couch in months and I've actually developed a Signature Move of kick, fall onto one knee, and lunge into a standing position move from the couch.
I began seeing a physiotherapist whom said he had never seen anyone as messed up as I am, I joined Mobility WOD and I've been following their stuff twice daily for the past many weeks, and I've greatly backed off everything in training. In fact, I made an agreement with myself that I would not do anything serious or difficult till May 1st. Getting through January and February without anything serious or hard is the plan.
But I still planned on training!
About a week ago I started hurting through my entire body, kinda like you feel when you start to get the flu and your joints get all achy. By last Saturday every joint in my body was swollen, red, and very painful. By Sunday I could barely walk, much less train.
This week has been me covering my body with ice, heat, creams, anti-inflammatories...none of which have worked at all. At one point, though, my wife walked across the living room floor half naked and I swear I felt much better. Then she mumbled something about having to go back to work and the window blinds being open or something...I didn't have enough blood in my brain to think properly if I'm being honest.
So I've had several SEVERAL bad training sessions and then a week of not training at all and I'm at pass where I'm pissed off because I haven't trained and I'm also pissed off because I haven't been ABLE to train. If I could blame all of this on something stupid that I had done which led to an injury...I think that would be easier. But it is just "ONE OF THOSE THINGS" that is what it is and it sucks.
So if my best foot has not been put forward I can at least figure out which shoes to put on so that when I am ready that I can start moving without stepping on any nails.
February's Plan:
1) Don't do anything hard or intense. This will help me to relax my body and my mind so I'm not "feeling the pressure" all year round.
2) Establish at least 2 exercises per "body part" that I can do on a regular basis.
3) Continue with my MobilityWOD routine, doing their two daily videos as they publish them and continuing to do therapy work on my troubled areas (elbows, shoulders, back, ankles, and anything that hurts).
4) Establish a warm up routine which includes some type of stretching or anything that will improve my body's ability to function for that session and for the long term.
5) Design a plan to get me rocking and rolling towards some Season's Bests from March through May 2019.
6) Determine the appropriate amount of Tacodrol, Burritobol, and Nachovar that my body can handle safely on a weekly basis. This one is actually serious business.
So, today is February 1st and I'm here with pen and paper next to me, still not physically able to train and barely able to type from joint pain...but I have a plan for Sunday.
If you are in a similar position, be it right now or in your future...I encourage you to design a very similar plan!