As a coach I continue to work year after year with groups of athletes that have similar issues. One of the biggest that I get from athletes is "I just didn't have anything left on the final event..." Sometimes this means that they got to the last Strongman Event and they had nothing left and sometimes this means that they finished Squat and Bench and had nothing left on Deadlifts.

For the Powerlifter I almost always shift them over to a program that is what I can "STL Style". In this program they will have their week set up as:

Day 1: Squat Assistance

Mostly Dynamic Effort work, speed pulls, light good mornings, GHR, lats and abs

Day 2: Bench Assistance
Mostly 2 Board Speed Bench Press, tricep work, rotators, lats, GHR and abs

Day 3: Competition Simulation Day
Squat: a variety of programming options depending on what they need work on, how far out they are from their meet, raw or full geared, etc..
Bench: same thing
Deadlift: work up to 75-85%. This is where we do a lot of work. I may have them pull back on squats or bench press but we continue to push their ability to pull 90% EASILY at the end of a Squat AND BENCH PRESS SESSION!

If it can't be done in training what makes you think you can do it on meet day?

Strongman can be a different beast, but really it isn't! For most, they will end their training session with an event that they like and avoid one that they don't like. What will I do? I'll have them finish their last event, THEN DO IT AGAIN but beat your time! You just loaded stones till you nearly passed out? Rest, 5 minutes, drink a huge container of ice water, add more tacky, and get back on the stones!

You just pressed a max log and you are dead? What do you think your competition is doing right now? Quitting and going home? What will you do? Drop it down to 60% and get as many reps as possible in 2 minutes.

You just did a car deadlift? Tire flip? Medley? Get up and do it again!

For me, I've always loved deadlifting at the end of my Strongman sessions. After yoke, after farmers, after a medley, after tire and stones, after log press...then I deadlift!

So what is the key? You will learn most of it on your own or you will die, literally. Don't rest too long between events, always do an extra event that your competitors are not doing, constantly hydrate and consume calories, stretch between events, and stay focused! Possibly most important, maintain perfect technique. Make the best use of your efficiency as possible!

7th Event, 4 hours, 149 F outside, 89% humidity. 90% loaded on the bar. Balls and Attitude.