It is no secret that most Strongmen will begin their training with a little bit of mobility work followed by either:
1) The first event in their next contest
2) A static event that they really enjoy
I say, both of these concepts are mistakes! Don't cut yourself short! Show up READY on contest day!
Begin your Strongman Event Training with something that will get you primed and ready to train for the day! Anything that gets you moving and explosive. If you can do something that increases core body temperature, breaks you out into a sweat, increases your heart rate, and forces you to be explosive at the same time, you can cut down on warm up time, injuries, and you won't have to take 6 scoops of your favorite over priced pre-workout drink to "get you going". You WILL BE GOING!
For the last couple of months I've been doing some type of sled drag as a warm up. Sometimes it will be a series of harness pulls, sled drags facing the sled, a mixture of, etc...but the last few weeks I've been combining it with tire flip! Not only can I choose to simply "walk through" the medley if I so choose but it warms up my calves, legs front and back, opens my lungs, breaks me out into a sweat, and increases my heart rate which basically kills my need for a pre-workout drink in the first place.
On top of it all, I finish the event with jelly legs which often simulates how your nerves will have you anyway on contest day! After my medley runs I'll get something iced cold to drink, try to get my heart rate down as quickly as possible, and get set up and going for my next event!