Well, this is it and I wish I could could say that I felt better. I'm dehydrated and feeling sick so the goal was to do the minimum and make sure not to get hurt. That is what I managed to do and I'm happy to say that my minimum was right on par with my maximum last week. I'll take that.
Super Yoke:
350 x 1 run
460 x 1 run
570 x 1 run (contest weight will be around 660)
Car Deadlift
1 set of 10 reps plus 5 holds
1 set of a rear facing hold
Power Stairs
275 lbs x 5, up and down stairs, load 220 sand bag
345 lbs x 5, up and down stairs, load 220 sand bag
395 lbs x 5, up and down stairs, load 220 sand bag
From there I was trying to puke but couldn't. Needed to but my meds won't let me. I decided to skip log press and I'll train it for speed and technique work this next week in the gym.