A couple of months ago I began having some hip issues while training for The Super Yoke. It started while training for Cyprus Strongest Man, because the weight was light and my hips were just taking a pounding from me "running" on them. I had the idea of putting on a pair of old briefs that I had retired (they were over 20 years old) but they just didn't do anything for me. I put on my METAL ACE Briefs and I was not happy with how they did not allow me to walk "naturally" in a straight line, something that is important for MOVING while doing The Super Yoke.
Thumbing through the EliteFTS website I came across the METAL M-TYPE Briefs and I began talking to a few other lifters that had used them before. My original question was "Are these similar to the old Crain Briefs" and the quick response was "Yes and No". Powerlifting wise, they are not similar as they give a ton more pop and they get tight something like how an amazing single poly bench shirt will. The groove is pretty forgiving with a great output BUT they are a pretty crazy tough material. The Crains slid up and down my body because they are a slick type of material and I needed to put these on OVER my Rehband shorts during a competition (and training session). I do not need them sliding or moving around.
(notice that I can step in a natural motion with these briefs on)
A couple weeks later the Metal M-Type Briefs show up and I put those suckers on. Same type material as my deadlift suit, I can walk normally with them on, freaking tight on my my IT Bands and Hips and what seems like a little extra leg and low back support as well. My first time getting these on in training I set a PR on Super Yoke and I plan to continue wearing them from now on. The more that I've had these on the more that I wonder how I got by so long without them. The lack of hip and IT band tension and pain was huge in my recovery!
(notice the extra stitching across the butt and hips as well as the IT Bands)
Yes, when I was younger I would have choked on the idea of wearing briefs for The Super Yoke. Now I'm 40 years old and I'm doing everything that I can to stay in the game as long as possible and if there is something that WORKS, I am not too proud to do it just because some people might look at me funny for it. Hopefully they will be watching me as I Super Yoke right by them in the years to come.
I also sent this to my wife. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head BUT I'm pretty sure she did look at it for a while 🙂