I got in a bodyweight circuit on Friday;
- Push-ups: 5x10
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- RFESS: 5x5
- Farmer's Walk: 10 trips
- 21 minutes
Sunday Lift
- Deadlift: 225x5/265x5/3x5@295
- FBB Press FSL: 5x8@95
- T-Bar Row: 5x10
We're in the heat of football camp, so my time is limited and my sleep schedule is non-existent. I felt like training, but not a lot of it so I combined my work today. I really liked the template. I concentrated on my strength portion (Deadlift) and did my FSL and rowing at my pace. This is a great set up to get in good, quality work in small amounts of time. This will serve me well when I get into the season.
One more week of camp and I should get into my normal schedule. Hopefully, I'll get in 3 more lifting workouts and 2-3 bodyweight sessions this week. I'm more active because I'm out at practice at this time of year. It's not exercise, just activity. The feet are killing me! I'm also taking advantage of three free meals a day. Already up 8lbs since Thursday. Those who say they "try and can't" gain weight are simply, cowards and they're not "trying" hard enough.