I was honored to be asked to speak at this amazing event. I've spent the last week just trying to recover from the mental beating I took while there.

I am writing a full article on my experience because I really feel like it deserves much more than just a log post.

In general I can some up the whole experience in two words: life changing. The new friends I met and the old ones I was able to reconnect with was probably the best professional experience of my life. My brain was on hyperdrive the whole weekend.  I am definitely planning on buying all the presentations once they are for sale.

I usually go to these conferences and there are one or two people I want to hear speak. At SWIS there was 2 or 3 every hour. It was crazy the level or experience and knowledge in so many areas.

If Ken Kinakin can pull this off again, you are a fool to miss it.

I wanted to get this log post up to thank Ken for putting on such an amazing event and inviting me to speak. It was an honor to share the stage as so many greats in our field.