I really should have scripted this out but a client sent me an email and I wanted to get her a reply as quickly as possible.
As lifters we often find ourselves as passionate persons. Sometimes passion drives us towards greatness and sometimes it pushes us so far over the edge that we aren't even sure if we can see where the cliff was that we used to stand ourselves on. We find ourselves off course and not sure how to get back on track. We find ourselves sitting "alone" in a room filled with people because while everyone else is talking gossip all we can think about is our next deadlift session or how we are going to get that new bar into the gym without the wife noticing. "Yeah, honey. It has been here for a long time, I just normally keep it way in the back and I decided to get it out, clean it, and put it to good use for a while..."
But this one particular lifter really got to me. I don't like to see people that THINK that they have lost hope and I don't like people of like minds to wonder if they are going down the wrong spiral.
Determine who your real friends.
Be a real friend to your real friends.
Pick your nose when needed.
Actions erase doubt.