I'll admit it...I shot this video privately for a client. No fancy lighting or microphones. I came home and didn't do any fancy color correction or editing, I just cut the beginning and end, added some pointers, and uploaded it to YouTube and sent them the link. I forgot, though, to set the video as PRIVATE and I left it up on YouTube for several days before realizing this. Every. Single. Time that I do this it seems to be a popular video with people and I'm wondering why they email me to thank me for my recent video upload...and then I see it!
So my client is trying to deadlift just like they taught you wayyyy back when. Keep that chest super tight and lift with your legs! Except nobody lifts more than 1 plate per side that way! I'd emailed him several times trying to explain how to make your arms longer and how to set your erectors and not tuck your shoulder blades like a clean but it just wasn't making the impact that I wanted.
So here it is. If you are having issues with "short arms" or not being able to find your proper arch in your back...this just might explain it the way that you need to hear it!