Since Christmas Day, someone in my house has been sick at all times. My wife was actually coming down with the flu before Christmas but she is a freaking monster and didn't say anything. The day after Christmas my youngest son came down with Norovirus (projectile vomiting and diarrhea) for 48 hours, then my oldest son, then me, then my wife. None of us at the same time, I guess we systematically gave it to each other.
Then as soon as that was gone my youngest son got the flu. Head cold, sneezing, runny nose, coughing...and since he must sit in Dad's lap...guess who got it? And I have gotten both sicknesses the worst because I have a compromised immune system. A couple weeks later my nose is still running, my head is so stopped up that it is painful, and I still feel like junk. Topping that off, my taste is crazy as well.
Last week I had a few minutes and I'd been craving tacos for about a year now so I sprinted off to the car before anyone could stop me and I drove to Taco Bell. I bought about $30 worth of Tacodrol, Burritobol, and Nachovar and I freaking ate it! It was the first time in days I could actually taste something and I loved it! You know what? I was freaking strong and big all week long too!
Now, I'm running low on all Tacobolics and I'm feeling weak and tired. Even after I had a couple pork chops that I grilled this morning it just isn't the same as Tacogenic foods and if I have a bad session tomorrow there is a good chance I will be swinging by the Taco Pharmacy on my way home and packing in a solid 10,000 calories and increasing my cholesterol (which is almost testosterone anyway, right?) by several digits.
I'm really just another bad training session away from getting all of my meals prepped by places with drive throughs and deliveries.
Come to think of it...McDonalds is just down the road and they deliver till 4 AM...
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