First Strongman Sunday under restrictions. The basic guide is that you are not allowed to leave your house without written permission from the government. It isn't that hard to get but it gives you ROUGHLY 3 hours to leave your house, do whatever you are doing to do, and be back home safely. Doesn't set well with driving to the gym, opening it up, setting up the gym and each event, tearing down each event, training, and then making sure you get home in time.
And you think, who is enforcing this? The police have road blocks set up. Stopping around 10,000 per day on a tiny island with some pretty hefty fines or jail.
So I got in and got out. I have the idea in my head to walk with 700+ on the SpudInc Car Frame so this was a day to lead up to that.
Goal on Log Press was to beat what I did a few weeks ago and nail 8 reps, strict, EMOM with 100 KG (220 freedom units).
Wanted to pull upper 500's but I was pressed for time and wanted to get home just to be safe.