Technically, I could be this kid's mom. He joined the powerlifting team and has been training with us most of the time. Sadly though, he can be inconsistent with showing up. Most days he's there... some days he's not. (insert "i don't know" emoji).
He was gone for a week visiting his ill grandfather out of the country. Boy do I know that traveling takes a toll. But if you think for one second we were going to take it easy on him because of that, you're dead wrong.
His first day back, we were doing safety bar squats with chains. He hit 215x3, so I decided to match him. I felt great, strong and held position really well. Since I tied him, and his set looked like death, he decided I couldn't win so we went up 5#. An ugly 220x3.
With his head on the chopping block, he strolled in the next week with a target on his back. Cambered bar box squats with chains for a double. This time, I straight up BEAT HIM hitting 245x2. After an ugly 225, he attempted 245 and only got 1.
Puts you first in the rotation, son.
It's been a long time since I've had the mindset to push like this. Having Christian as my training partner is motivating. (If you don't watch any of my videos, you should... because it's hard not to be fired up when he's got your back).
And yet having the extra push to take another set just to beat someone has been fun lately. Even though this kid is young and relatively new to the sport (and also needs some technical work as well), it's good for him to be pushed. He will learn how to strain through a lift (with good form and some breakdown). He will learn how to fail and miss, and even come back on some days to get it.
Regardless of age, sex or level in the sport, having someone close to your strength level can be good for both parties. For me lately, it's been making it fun, for myself and Christian. A new training partner is always going to have to "earn" his spot. Earn it by showing up, being on time, helping the rest of us out and showing how bad he wants it.
This has all been fun and games. We tease him a bit more simply because he's the young buck. We want to challenge him physically and mentally. If he wants to get strong, he's going to have to learn to hang.
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