Today our powerlifitng squad hit their heaviest squat of the training cycle. I had class 6-645am then spotted and handled 4 of our lifters. Kristin/kody/Dan all had great PR's meet or gym.
I came back for another group after 815-915am then had another crew in 11-1230pm. Allison hit a PR, Hunter had an off day but is young. Aaron did ok despite his knee problems. Sam finished up the day with a PR of 535lbs raw.
I hit some safety bar box squats. It felt light but dizzyness and lightheadedness is crazy. But what do I expect when almost all meds state "may cause dizziness and drowsiness". After that I hit some banded leg curls then abs.
looking forward to the weekend. I only have a few classes tomorrow then sat 2, sun 1, mon 1.
Spoke with my boy at Univecity of Wisconsin and set up going to work with/mirror him/hang out for a few days late July. Am pumped to head up there.