Today our Powerlifitng squad hit some pvc or foam rolling along with their mobility work. For their lift they hit a higher percentage on deads then followed by zercher good morn. Belt walks and some mid section followed the session.
As far as for myself I hit some deads and hit a decent number. For three open heart surgeries I still out lift most lifters in the area at 242lbs. Can't wait to get back at it full go. Nova really had a great couple testing days and got stronger by a lot even afternoon his injury. Something we are doing is working. Might be the box squats and bench variations that some think just don't work. Hmmmmmm proof is in the pudding.
looking forward to the weekend have to work both Christmas Eve and day but I live close to work and the money is good so allow good. REALLHoping I bump into some people over the holidays to give them a huge hug hello and how's it been........