Today most of of our Powerlifitng Squad was off still resting from the training cycle and the meet last sat. Kristin did her final heavy squat and hit 500lbs. Think she will get around 525 at the meet in a couple weeks. Aaron Karl and a few others who didn't do the meet still are hitting reps until we all meet up mon and move towards the meet in July. Steph and Kristin both lift Tomorow and have their last heavy bench until the meet.
I didn't have time to do much more than some ab work. I am on a no strain rule as I have been for almost (2) years. Just trying me best to no get worse and not get fat as hell which is very tough being I cannot lift too much or exercise.
Looking forward to the weekend for some rest and family time.
As far as for the gym we just bought another mono lift, another set of dumbells up to 150, 2 more deadlift bars and some ivanko calibrated plates. Always trying to make the facility the best.